Monrovia’s NextGate Works to Improve Healthcare Records
By Brenda J. Trainor
“NextGate” is one of those striking logo signs that we pass when cruising down Monrovia’s Huntington Drive. But most of us rarely know what is going on in the offices and manufacturing facilities that we pass. Monrovia and our surrounding communities host many fascinating and cutting-edge businesses, and many of these have a foundation in advanced technology applications.
MADIA Tech Launch is a non-profit educational organization that seeks to give identity to and build community among the many technology companies and up-and-coming entrepreneurs in our foothill cities (MADIA is short for Monrovia, Arcadia, Duarte, Irwindale, and Azusa – the five original cities that recognized that tech is where it’s at for our region and want to see technology businesses grow in this region). The organization highlights some of the many established and start-up technology companies in our area.
MADIA wasfortunate enough to have NextGate ( host one of their recentmeetings, and attendees heard from Richard Garcia, NextGate vice president ofmarketing, and Gevik Nalbandian, NextGate vice president of softwareengineering. The pair led an insightful discussion of how this corporation hasgrown by listening to its customers and by being nimble, quick to act and reactto its changing environment.
So what isNextGate? It is a software company that specializes in serving the healthcareindustry, specifically designing an information technology management system tomaintain patient identity records assuring accuracy, consistency, as well assecure privacy, in one of the most highly-regulated industries in the world.
Think back tothe last time you received some health care services. How many forms wereinvolved? Think of what happens when you go from calling on the phone, then toyour appointment, then to a nurse, maybe a technician for some diagnosticprocedures, then to your visit with the physician, and then maybe to thepharmacy; and once home, eventually you get the bill from your insurancecarrier possibly through your employer. Just imagine the sophistication of theinformation technology system that makes sure that your information — your medicalhistory, your contact information, your billing and payment records — are allkept secure yet trackable as they are handed off among the many informationsilos belonging to all the different entities involved in giving you even thesimplest of care.
Aprivately-held company, NextGate’s offices have a friendly, colorfulatmosphere, filled with art, and a casual open office layout. And withcustomers across many time zones and internationally, staff is busy at alltimes of the day and night.
MADIA attendeeslearned how challenging it can be for a company like NextGate to grow in acompetitive field of so many layers and potential customers, and in response tochanging regulations in the different countries of its customers.
So the nexttime you head down Huntington Drive, know that there are some smart folks,clicking away behind those shiny doors, working to support a healthcareidentity system that can offer providers accurate and secure records to assurethe integrity of your care.
MADIA meetings are open to all who are interested, visit or join the “MADIA Tech Launch” group on LinkedIn and like their page on Facebook.