Calvary Chapel Pasadena has been meeting in the City of Pasadena for approaching 33 years, since 1986. The senior pastor is Xavier Ries, the pastor who started the fellowship as a home Bible study in 1980.
The primary objective of Calvary Chapel Pasadena is to equip God’s people for the work of His service, with their focus upon the teaching of the Bible. They meet most every day of the week with an emphasis on Sunday morning services, Sunday evening and midweek services Thursday evenings.
The single thing that makes Calvary Pasadena stand out would be the concentrated teaching of the Old and New Testaments, combined with a sincere encouragement to practice the same. They don’t have an official membership list; any person that attends regularly and is engaged in the work of ministry is a member. Currently, approximately 600-700 adults are engaged on a weekly basis. There are special opportunities for instruction, with activities for every age group from infants all the way through high school at all the regular services (except Sunday night).
They offer assistance to the needy and the homeless as they are able on a situation by situation basis. They are regularly involved in ministry opportunities in Baja California, the Philippines, and elsewhere, as the needs arise, with the understanding of the biblical model of placing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the forefront. They also offer quarterly ministry schools for those intent upon serving God’s purpose in their lives.
The coming months will be eventful for the chapel. This spring they will begin a yearlong series of meetings with married couples, to focus on First Corinthians chapter 13, on learning to love. They have scheduled a free community concert with Christian recording artists “Enterline” for March 31. On April 21 they will be conducting their 25th annual Easter morning service at Victory Park in Pasadena.
For a more comprehensive look at the weekly schedule you can look at their weekly bulletin at calvarychapelpasadena.com/thisweek. Calvary Chapel Pasadena is located at 2200 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena and can be reached at (626) 584-9992.