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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Pasadena’s Villa Parke Auditorium Renamed in Honor of Maria Salas

Pasadena’s Villa Parke Auditorium Renamed in Honor of Maria Salas

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This Monday, Dec. 3 at 10 a.m., the public was invited to the dedication and renaming of the Villa Parke Auditorium (363 E. Villa St.) in honor of Maria Salas who passed away Nov. 24.

Maria E. Salas (1941-2018) was more than just a community resident; she was a community leader, an advocate for all people, a protector of so many residents. Lovingly known in the community as “Señora Salas,” Maria always helped organize and enlist the participation of Villa Parke neighborhood residents in community events, clean-ups and celebrations. More important than that, she was a friend, a mentor and someone who cared deeply about her neighborhood. She always worked together with her neighbors, city representatives, including the Pasadena Police Department, to give purpose and new life to everything she touched.

Maria Salas inspired many, many people, in all walks of life, in the City of Pasadena. She had a great gift for life, a generous and open nature, and a rich sense of humor. Maria was many things, and among them, to her last day, she was a great American.

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