I got another flier in the mail paid for by the committee controlled by the Mayor [of Pasadena], who seems to be the one man show on getting our fair share of sales tax revenue. What I would like to see is those other cities’ contributions to all the sales tax revenue [that] Los Angeles County is using for all the cities in the county. I continue to hear that Pasadena is just one of the cities that make up the regional group of cities. I don’t think that when we voted for those sales tax increases in the past that we thought we would get back a portion of the total taxes we paid in? [sic] If that were so, then it should have been part of the wording in those tax measures. Our city, Pasadena, has a spending and budget problem and once again wants the citizens to bail out a long time problem created by the same folks wanting more money from us and not telling us the amounts that will be used for any of the measures that are talked about in trying to get us to vote for the [tax] measure. All the committee seem[s] to want is their share and if the money doesn’t come with the vote Pasadena’s future won’t depend on it. So let’s do as our business leaders ask and vote Measure I down. Pasadena will survive but under new management.
– Richard Luczyski