Monrovia to Hold Meeting Regarding Changing Ivy and Primrose to One-Way Streets
By Susan Motander
Monrovia’s city staff is proposing converting Ivy to a one-way street going northbound and Primrose to a southbound one-way street. The City has applied for a grant to facilitate the change and establish two-way bike lanes on both streets. The proposal recommends that Ivy Avenue go northbound and Primrose Avenue head south.
The City is holding a meeting this Saturday at 10 a.m. in the form of a block party on East Fig Avenue at Ivy. According to Oliver Chi’s City Manager’s update this week “The plan would allow for the establishment of protected bike lanes without any loss of on-street parking, encourage traffic to slow down in the identified areas, and would also facilitate the ‘greening’ of South Primrose Avenue and South Ivy Avenue, to create a more park-like setting for residents throughout the length of the identified project area.”
Complete details of the plan can be found on the city’s website.