By Alex Cordero
On Saturday, April 14, on the corner of Fair Oaks and West Woodbury Rd. in Altadena, the activist group Pasadenans and Altadenans Against Police Violence united with other local human rights activists to protest against police violence and to commemorate several victims killed by local law enforcement.
The rally held at the Mobil gas station served as a symbol of street justice for the local activist groups in honor of Chris Ballew, who in 2017 was beaten and leg was broken by the Pasadena Police Department during a traffic stop at the Mobil gas station in Altadena. He has since filed a lawsuit against the Pasadena Police Department for excessive use of force.
This event has ignited conversations of the injustice across the country involving civilians being killed or targeted by law enforcement.
Additionally, the controversy of police officers not getting convicted or being held accountable in a court of law weighed heavily on those attending the rally.
Chris Ballew, who survived the brutal beating in Altadena last year, was one of those for whom the protestors united. Those who did not survive during police altercations; such as Stephon Clark, Matthew Hurtado, Kendrec McDade and Leroy Barnes were also honored.
The protest was a peaceful but strong outcry of reverence for all of the victims and their families. As local marchers held signs with powerful statements such as “CONVICT KILLER COPS,” “BLACK LIVES MATTER,” “AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, ” several local commuters also expressed their support by honking their car horns along the streets of Altadena.
Some even pulled over to curbside to take a photo and take a moment to read the signs, and ask what the commotion was all about, giving the local activists the opportunity to speak strongly about their beliefs, raise awareness about their organizations, and be clear about why they felt the need to be part of a movement that brings hope for change, and name the victims being honored.
The citizens of Altadena and Pasadena have recently exhaled a strong urgency for justice, particularly against the Pasadena Police Department, and are unafraid of demanding change and take part of a national movement against police violence.