Victim’s name is being withheld pending notification of next of kin
On Thursday, Nov.16, at about 12:05 p.m., Police and Fire Department personnel responded to New York Dr. and Bradley St regarding a report of a traffic collision at the location. Preliminary investigation revealed that a 55 year-old Altadena man as riding a 2017 “zero” electric motorcycle east on New York Dr., when for an unknown reason he lost control of the vehicle. The man collided with a metal pole at the southwest corner of New York Dr. and Bradley St. The man sustained major injuries as a result of the collision and was pronounced deceased at the scene.
The identity of the motorcyclist is being withheld pending notification of next of kin and confirmation by Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office personnel. The Police
Department’s Major Accident Investigation Team (MAlT) is investigating the incident.
The cause of the collision is presently unknown, however alcohol or drugs do not appear to have been a factor.
Anyone who may have witnessed the collision or has information regarding the incident is encouraged to call Traffic Section Lieutenant Diego Torres at (626)-744·7159 or the
Watch Commander at (626)-744-4820.