A Noise Within (ANW) classical theatre company announces a very special Art Competition for students 4th grade and up. Participants have the opportunity to create a piece of visual art that they feel best embodies ANW’s 2017-18 theme: Entertaining Courage.
Julia Rodriguez-Elliott, Co-Artistic Director says, “In addition to being very entertaining theatrical works, our plays examine courage from a variety of points of view: intimate and global, low-stakes and high-stakes. We invite students to entertain courage so that they can express their thoughts on the subject for the community.”
This fall, courage is expressed onstage at A Noise Within in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, adapted by Mike Poulton; The Madwoman of Chaillot by Jean Giraudoux translation by Maurice Valency; and Mrs. Warren’s Profession by George Bernard Shaw.
Geoff Elliott, Co-Artistic Director says, “This is the time to ask questions about the nature of courage, and there are no easy answers. We are fully expecting the student’s work to inspire and challenge us the same way in which the playwrights and characters on stage do.”
The winners and finalists will have their art displayed in the A Noise Within theatre lobby for the duration of the 2017-2018 season. The first prizewinner receives a complimentary trip for the full class (up to 50 tickets) to attend a show, and an in-classroom workshop conducted by ANW’s Teaching Artists. The workshop lasts one hour, and includes hand-on exercises and interactive analysis that allow students to actively connect with the language and themes of classic plays. Runners-up and honorable mention winners also receive tickets to productions of their choice during the season.
Every year A Noise Within serves over 16,000 students through educational programming that includes tailored workshops in the classroom to complement curriculum, student field trips and professional development for teachers.
A Noise Within Education Director Alicia Green says, “With this contest, we are hoping to encourage the visual exploration of courage – and have students answer the question about the theme with their art and creativity.”
Submissions can be in any form that the participant chooses—painting, mixed media, and drawing. Along with their piece of art, students must include a short explanation about how their piece relates to the theme in 50 words or fewer.
All submissions must be received by Friday, Oct. 20, 2017. Winners will be announced live on Thursday, Nov. 9th at 6:00 p.m., just before that evening’s performance of A Tale of Two Cities. Please deliver all entries to: A Noise Within c/o Alicia Green, A Noise Within, 3352 E Foothill Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91601 or call 626.356.3104. For more information please visit www.anoisewithin.org.
Please note that sculpture cannot be submitted; all artwork must be completed at time of submission; and all submitted entries become the property of A Noise Within and are not returned.
About A Noise Within’s Educational Programs:
An important component of AWN’s audience development effort is its service to the students. ANW dedicates 30% of its resources to education and outreach programs. Through vital foundation and government support, ANW provides support to schools in need including transportation for students to the theatre; reduced cost tickets to attend a live on-stage performance; post-show discussions with the artists; in-class workshops; and standards-based study guides. Over its history, more than 250,000 students have been served; in the 2016-2017 season, 14,661 students and teachers from 192 schools across 35 school districts participated in this program. And over ANW’s history, nearly 1,000 students have also participated in its acclaimed camp, Summer with Shakespeare, as well as other activities.