ACLU Forum Slated July 12
Several Southern California cities – including Los Angeles and Pasadena – Los Angeles County, and the State of California will soon implement new minimum wage provisions that will eventually lead to low-wage workers making $15 an hour.
In addition, certain of these jurisdictions have authorized programs to prevent wage theft – failing to pay for overtime work, firing workers without giving them a final paycheck – and outreach to low-wage workers impacted by new benefits and protections.
This ACLU forum will consider the effectiveness of these “path to $15” efforts to relieve poverty and address how new minimum wage ordinances and the state statute will work together. Low-wage workers, business owners, and all of us concerned about America’s overwhelming economic inequality will want to attend. Panelists include:
– Pablo Alvarado, director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network.
– Henry Gascon, manager of program and policy development of United Ways of California.
– Steve Mermell, interim city manager for the City of Pasadena.
– Michelle White, moderator, ACLU-SoCal Pasadena/Foothills past president and chair of the Chapter’s Economic Justice Committee.
Forum will be held Tuesday, July 12, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Neighborhood Church (301 N. Orange Grove Blvd., Pasadena).
The event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Joanna Amador, ACLU SoCal Pasadena/Foothills Chapter, at (626) 427-7950 or via email at: chap-pasadena@aclusocal.org.