Council Authorizes Five-Year Contract with Taser International
By Gus Herrera
On Monday, June 13, the Pasadena City Council approved the acquisition of body-worn camera systems for the police department.
Item 10 on the night’s agenda, which was approved without any opposition, authorizes the city manager to enter into a five-year contract with Taser International Inc. to, “furnish and deliver software, hardware, and services” for the body camera system.
The system is made up of 300 cameras and a “highly configurable backend system.”
The cost authorized is not to exceed $1.53 million. This amount consists of the base contract, valued at $1.39 million, “and a contingency of $139,296.” Not included, is an additional $134,000 which the city expects will be required to upgrade their network, in order to handle the new amounts of data.
In addition to the technology acquired, Item 10 also authorized the addition of two full-time equivalent positions to oversee the operations and maintenance of the camera systems.
According to city staff, “These positions are absolutely vital to the success of the body worn camera program. Funding the system without authorizing added personnel would significantly reduce the Police Department’s operation capacity.”
The staff report states that the project will take “approximately four months to complete” and initial implementation will cost “$471,291.” The city will likely have to upgrade network equipment in order to manage the new video data.
For more details, visit: http://ww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2016%20Agendas/Jun_13_16/agendarecap