
Upper San Gabriel Valley MWD Offers Free Rain Barrels For District Residents Saturday, Feb 13

The Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District (Upper District) will be hosting a giveaway event offering FREE rain barrels for district residents this Saturday, February 13, 2016 at Monrovia
High School.

When connected to a home’s downspout, a rain barrel collects the rainwater that would typically flow into nearby storm drains, sewer systems, and local waterways. This collected rainwater can then be reused for irrigating outdoor landscapes and other purposes where potable water can be easily conserved. Upper District is offering these products free of charge as one of its continued efforts to help San Gabriel Valley residents combat the drought and prepare for the potential of El Niño storms.

The San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District will also be present at the event providing information to residents about mosquito prevention in/around a rain barrel.

8:00 A.M.
Supplies are limited and offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Residents should be prepared to wait in line.
Monrovia High School
845 W. Colorado Blvd.
Monrovia, CA 91016

PARTICIPANTS: Only residents within Upper San Gabriel Valley MWD’s service area are eligible to participate in this program. Residents can check their eligibility prior to the event at: http://apps1.lavote.net/onlinedistrictmapapp/

*Eligible residents MUST bring a copy of their monthly water bill and a photo ID. The water bill MUST show the name of the water company and the account number for the address where the rain barrel will be installed.

*Maximum of one (1) rain barrel per address, per event. Participants cannot have previously received a cumulative total of 4 rain barrels, or rebates for 4 rain barrels, from either Upper District or the SoCal Water$mart rebate program.
For general information, call toll free: (866) 308-8391

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