To the Editor:
Polls have shown for the last few years that 60-70 percent of Americans are unhappy with the direction the country is headed. That being the case, why on earth did American voters give control of Congress to the “do-nothing,” block-everything Republicans who have spent the last six years obstructing the economy and government all in an attempt to make President Obama be seen as a failure. This doesn’t make sense.
Why would American voters elect voodoo, supply-side, trickle-down Republicans who are still married to the same economic formula that brought America to its knees with the Great Recession of 2008; Republicans who are still preaching their same dreary economic forecast.
Do you turn around the direction of the country by giving control to Congress to anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-immigration Tea Party Republicans who put their party agenda and extremist base before the good of the country.
Didn’t the American public learn anything from the financial fiasco of 2008?
Ron Lowe
Santa Monica
December 2, 2014