A Holiday Party for Live-Alone Adults 60+
Monrovia Providers Group (MPG) is hosting its second annual Holiday Party on Saturday, December 6th, 11 am – 1 pm, at The Monrovia Community Center, 119 Palm Avenue in Monrovia.
Foothills residents 60+ and living at home are invited to join us as we enjoy a FREE delicious turkey dinner, prizes and Holiday entertainment.
RSVP Required by December 4th: Rebecca Romero (rromero@ci-monrovia.ca.us) or 626.256.8232.
Our sponsors include local businesses, the Monrovia Community Center and members of the Monrovia Providers Group. Please call and join in for this festive Holiday event.
About MPG:
MPG is a membership organization of community agencies and private resources that seek to provide reliable, local services to area seniors.
All donations received are used to assist seniors with age-related issues; educate them about opportunities; and provide supportive activities and emergency grants to those in need.
Individual and corporate, tax-deductible donations are always welcome. Please contact www.MonroviaProviders.org for details. Thank you!