The Linked Learning Alliance today applauded the agreement between the California State Legislature and Governor Jerry Brown to include a second infusion of $250 million for the Career Pathways Trust in the state budget.
“The second $250 million infusion for the Career Pathways Trust speaks volumes about the power of the Linked Learning approach to transform education, improve regional economies, and make a difference in students’ lives,” said Christopher Cabaldon, Executive Director of the Linked Learning Alliance. “The Career Pathways Trust competition has already invigorated unprecedented coordination toward providing high quality Linked Learning opportunities for students at scale across regions. Employers, high schools, colleges, and workforce investment boards are deeply engaged in these conversations and this work. The second round of the Career Pathways Trust grant competition reaffirms our appreciation of their commitment and will continue to stimulate much-needed regional coordination.
“Senate President pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg has been a visionary and steadfast champion for Linked Learning,” Cabaldon continued. “It is due to his leadership that the Career Pathways Trust was established. His enthusiasm for this approach has caught fire among other policymakers who have also seen the transformative impact of Linked Learning for young people. His legacy will be the tens of thousands of Linked Learning students who are heading into successful futures.”
Collaboration between educators and employers is fundamental to the transformative Linked Learning approach that prepares students for college and career. Linked Learning students experience high school education in a career pathway of their choice, and benefit from the integration of rigorous academics and technical training, as well as aligned work-based learning that provides real-world experience and context for their classroom experience. The Career Pathways Trust grants provide seed funds to establish innovative, systemic, and sustainable coordination between high schools, employers, and colleges across regions so that students can equitably benefit from quality Linked Learning opportunities.
Senator Steinberg (D-Sacramento) led the effort to establish the initial Career Pathways Trust grants in the state budget in 2013. More than 120 school districts, charter schools, county education offices and community colleges initially submitted grant applications that totaled close to three-times the available $250 million. After intensive review, the winners of the first round of the Career Pathways Trust grant competition were announced last month by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson.
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Linked Learning Alliance Applauds Legislature and Governor for Second $250 Million Infusion in Career Pathways Trust
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