Sheriff Scott and Jerry Mathers Kick off the New Sheriff’s Summer CyberCop Challenge for Kids!
Los Angeles County Sheriff John Scott was joined by Celebrity Sponsor Jerry Mathers of Leave it to Beaver in announcing the Sheriff’s new Summer Cybercop Challenge for Kids. The Challenge provides age based activities for youth to compete in over the summer and potentially win valuable awards for themselves and their schools. The program seeks to raise awareness as to cyber crime, its dangers and its prevention.
According to the National White Collar Crime Center, over one million Americans fall victim to a cybercrime each and every day. Our children are not exempt.
The Challenge was organized by the Sheriff’s Fraud & Cyber Crimes Bureau and is co-sponsored by the Sheriff’s Youth Foundation, a charitable organization that provides safe facilities and programs for thousands of youth throughout Los Angeles County. The Sheriff’s Department has a long history of working with the youth of our communities. We recognize the importance of children building skills that will serve them throughout their lives as well ensuring they have positive interactions with law enforcement.
Los Angeles County youth are asked to compete in one of three age based categories that include coloring, essay writing and a video production project.
The Junior Category asks children entering grades 1-6 to draw their “Dream Cybercop Car.”
The Intermediate Category asks kids entering grades 7-9 to submit a 1,500 word essay on “How would you identify, stop and prevent someone from cyber bullying you or a friend?”
The Senior Category engages students entering grades 10-12 to individually, or as a small team, develop and submit a 2-5 minute Public Service Announcement video that addresses issues relating to cyberbullying.
The top three entries in each category and their respective schools will be awarded valuable prizes. There is no cost to participate and it is open to Los Angeles County residents entering grades 1-12.
“While the tools technology has provided us have vastly improved our lives, they have at the same time created a virtual community that is fraught with dangers. Whether it be predators trolling the internet seeking victims for sexual extortion and exploitation or cyberbullying aimed at peers, the reality is that our children are often targets,” said Los Angeles County Sheriff Scott.
“I am supporting the Sheriff’s Summer Cybercop Challenge for Kids because I think it represents a fun and productive summer activity that will better educate both parents and kids as to the dangers of cybercrime,” said Jerry Mathers.
For more information and contest entries and rules please visit:
Cyber Safety Tips for Kids-Fraud & Cyber Crimes Bureau
oNever post your personal information, such as a cell phone number, address, or the name of your school or your friends.
oNever meet in person with anyone you first “met” online. Some people may not be who they say they are.
oNever respond to harassing or rude texts, messages, and e-mails. Delete any unwanted messages or friends who continuously leave inappropriate comments.
oNever give out your password to anyone other than your parent or guardian.
oIf you wouldn’t say something to another person’s face, don’t post it online!
oThink before posting your photos. DO NOT post or send semi-nude or nude pictures of yourself or anyone else! Personal photos should not have revealing information such as school names or location.
oKeep the computer in the family room or another open area of your home.
oLet children show you what they can do online, and visit their favorite sites.
oKnow who children are exchanging e-mail with, and only let them use chat areas when you can supervise.
oInternet accounts should be in the parent’s name with parents having the primary screenname, controlling passwords, and using blocking and/or filtering devices.
Prepared by:
Public Information Officer Nicole Nishida
(323) 810-1973
Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau – Newsroom
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department