Student Allergy Emergency Treatment Bill Survives Fiscal Test: Appropriations Committee Moves Three Huff Bills to Senate Floor
The Senate Appropriations Committee voted today to move three bills authored by Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff (R-Diamond Bar) out of committee and to the Senate Floor. All three bills will be scheduled for Senate Floor hearings next week. The bills include:
SB 1266 will require public schools to stock epinephrine auto-injectors — commonly known as epi-pens — on campus. The measure will help save lives by ensuring this critically important medicine can be administered quickly and safely if a student suffers from a serious allergic reaction during school hours. California law allows public schools to stock epinephrine, but does not require it.
SB 1022 will give California students a better idea of what a college degree is worth. The measure will require the California State University (CSU) and calls on the University of California (UC) system to provide easily understood rankings, such as median annual wage for degrees that are offered by each institution. Public universities would also be required to list college graduate salary earnings and job-industry placement data.
Public universities already have access to this data through state law. Senator Huff’s legislation would merely make it available to prospective and current students and the public.
SB 1136 will give counties more access to information so they can make informed placement decisions on behalf of foster children.
Senator Huff introduced the measure following a series of crimes committed against foster children in Los Angeles County.
Senator Huff serves as the Senate Republican Leader and represents the 29th Senate District covering portions of Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino Counties. Follow Senator Huff on Twitter at @bobhuff99.