The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Temple Station is the chief law enforcement provider for the following cities and communities: Bradbury, Duarte, Rosemead, South El Monte and Temple City; and the unincorporated areas of South San Gabriel, El Monte, Monrovia, Arcadia, Duarte, East Pasadena, and North San Gabriel. Statistics for April 2014 have been examined and strategized by our crime analyst. We have provided an overview of statistical crime information for your review and consideration. Based on this information, please develop personal, home and business security plans to avoid becoming part of the statistics.
As seen month after month, the rate of residential, commercial and vehicle burglaries continues to plague our neighborhoods and business districts. The crime prevention and safety information provided in these monthly articles comes from decades of law enforcement experience. If you do not follow television or radio news, please read print media to stay current with the methods, schemes and trends used by the contemporary criminal element.
Cyber-crime is one of the biggest concerns looming. Experts predict it will continue to rise as the crime of choice for budding felons and career criminals alike. Use caution when using cellular telephone applications and shred important documents and personal information. There has been an increase in utility and police impersonation crimes. Currently there have been reports of very convincing confidence (Con) men and women preying on consumers by posing as employees of utility companies over the telephone. Residential and business customers have received telephone calls stating their utility service accounts are in arrears and immediate payment is demanded to avoid service disconnection. If you receive such a call, do not provide credit card information or purchase payment cards such as the “Green Dot” variety. Call your utility provider directly before you act on such a call. Try to document the caller-identification number if you can and please report such activity to us immediately.
Attend neighborhood watch meetings and community safety forums to receive and share information with your neighbors, business owners and the deputies who patrol your area.
Residential burglary and thefts from automobiles continues to soar at an alarming rate. If this is your first time reading this article, do your part and remember to always lock your doors and windows. Keep electronic devices and other valuables out of sight in your vehicle. Keep your garage doors closed and secured.
Home and business remodel and/or new construction projects provide temptations for thieves. Please do not leave expensive tools or appliances out where they can be easily stolen.
Join us in the fight against crime. We have the ability to communicate with you in all languages. If you are wary or know someone who is hesitant to get involved because of language or cultural concerns, please rest assured your Sheriff’s Department is comprised of dedicated professionals from multi-cultural backgrounds and we can help. We are capable of investigating and/or directing you to appropriate resources and agencies if you have been or know someone with domestic violence issues, suspected child or elder abuse. Information and communication is the key to combating crime or quality of life issues. Consider subscribing to “Nixle” as a means of receiving up to date and timely information about what is going on in your community. To register or obtain more information go to
If you need to report an incident, would like additional information or have suggestions concerning crime prevention or neighborhood/business watch programs, please call Temple Station at (626) 285-7171 or dial 9-1-1 for an emergency.
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