The Sierra Madre Huck Finn activity was one of this year’s recipiencts to help defray the cost of procuring the trout – Photo by Terry Miller
The Sierra Madre Civic Club ended its fiscal year by awarding grants to local organizations. Over $11,000 raised through Civic Club’s 2013-2014 fundraising activities was distributed among 21 worthy recipients as follows:
Benefitting the City of Sierra Madre, the recipients were:
” The Sierra Madre Public Library’s One Book One City Program
” The Sierra Madre Public Library’s Local History storage needs
” The City of Sierra Madre’s Community Services Department to purchase a fire retardant Health Department compliant tent for serving food (could be borrowed by community organizations)
” The Sierra Madre Senior Lunch Program monthly birthday luncheon
” The Sierra Madre Huck Finn activity to help defray the cost of procuring the trout
” The Sierra Madre Mt. Wilson Trail Race Committee Kids’ Fun Run
” The Sierra Madre Volunteer Fire Department to procure a refrigerator
” The Sierra Madre 4th of July Committee to assist with the costs of the parade & activities
Local and area nonprofit organizations receiving funding were:
” The Sierra Madre Nursery School to purchase a mobile tower garden for teaching purposes
” Reading Is Fundamental program whereby second graders receive a new book
” The Creative Arts Group to fund the ImaginArt Program for second graders from Sierra Madre Elementary School
” The Sierra Madre Middle School to expand their after school sports programs
” Homeboy Industries to assist in purchasing computers for GED training
” The Sierra Madre Playhouse for a façade facelift
” The Women’s Room to assist in remodeling the serving area of the dining room
” Foothill Unity to apply toward the costs of a dental hygiene program for homeless & low income children
” The Convalescent Aid Society to defray some of the costs of purchasing new equipment
” The Sierra Madre Rose Float Association to help fund improvement to their refrigerated storage for flowers
” The Sierra Madre Pioneer Cemetery to help fund an updated conservation water system
” The Sierra Madre Historical Preservation Society to assist in funding a fence around the Native Plant Garden at the Museums
” The Sierra Madre Community Emergency Response Team to purchase first aid materials
This year the Philanthropy Co-chairs were Mary Beth Knox and Irene Nakagawa. They would like to thank the citizens of Sierra Madre for their support and generosity that made these awards possible. Additional thanks are extended to Joan Spears and Pat Krok, who served as members of the Philanthropy Committee.
The purpose of the Sierra Madre Civic Club is to promote unity and good fellowship, and to strive toward civic, philanthropic, and youth welfare advancement. Civic Club meets the second Thursday of each month (dark in August) at 7:30pm, usually at the Hart Park House in Sierra Madre’s Memorial Park. If you are interested in becoming a member of Civic Club, please contact Geri Wright at 626-355-3040 or Darlene Traxler at 626-355-6220.