Arcadia council candidate forum provides lively discussion Thursday
The Arcadia Chamber of Commerce once again partnered with the Arcadia Association of Realtors to present the 2014 City Council Candidates Forum Thursday, March 6, at the Arcadia Public Library. Approximately 150 residents had a chance to see and hear the five candidates running for three open seats on the City Council. Moderated by Scott Hettrick, CEOP of the Chamber of Commerce,
candidates Thomas Beck, Burton Brink, Roger Chandler, Sho Tay and Paul Van Fleet each led off with a brief outline of their campaign strategy.
The candidates were then asked many wide ranging questions from the audience via written notes that were conveyed via Arcadia Association of Realtors.
The All Mail Ballot General Municipal Election will be held in the City of Arcadia on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, for three (3) Members of the City Council (Full term of 4 years ending April 10, 2018)