Long awaited Ceremonial GROUNDBREAKING of Sierra Madre Middle School
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Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) Superintendent Jon R. Gundry joined PUSD board members, representatives from the Sierra Madre City Council, Sierra Madre Middle School (SMMS) students, teachers, parents and Sierra Madre residents at a ceremonial groundbreaking ceremony for the new Sierra Madre Middle School campus Thursday, September 12 .
The $27 million project will have 20 classrooms, a multipurpose room, music rooms, computer lab, library, administration area, atrium and other features. When completed, SMMS will be able to serve 600-650 students, including residents living within the SMMS attendance boundary, middle school students enrolled in district’s Mandarin dual language immersion program and other students from across the district who apply via PUSD’s open enrollment process. Construction of the new campus is being funded by Measure TT, the $350 million school bond initiative approved by voters in 2008. More information on Measure TT can be found at www.measurett.org. The project was designed by PBWS Architects and is being constructed by Sinanian Development. Actual construction began July 1, 2013 and is scheduled to last 20 months.