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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Arcadia Weekly Governor signs bill enforcing Affordable Care Act (ACA) consumer protections

Governor signs bill enforcing Affordable Care Act (ACA) consumer protections

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Sen. Hernandez’ bill ends use of preexisting condition exclusions, excessive rates

A bill by Senator Dr. Ed Hernandez, O.D. (D – West Covina), Chair of the Senate Health Committee, that puts in place for California the vital consumer protections and reforms included as part of the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law by Governor Brown today. The legislation, SB X1 2, was introduced as part of the special session on health care called for by the Governor during his State of the State Address in January.
“This law will stop insurance companies from engaging in the discriminatory practices and pricing that have kept Californians from getting health coverage” said Hernandez, “With this law in place, we will make health care coverage more equitable, affordable, and accessible.”
Senator Hernandez’ SB X1 2 makes effective key consumer protections of the ACA for California’s individual insurance market, preventing insurance companies and health plans from denying coverage or charging excessive premiums on those who have preexisting health conditions and requiring that insurance premiums be based solely on age, geography, and family size.
“This is a major step forward for all Californians in realizing the promise of President Obama’s landmark health care law and implementing these much needed reforms. Never again will people be denied health care coverage because of a preexisting condition,” said Hernandez.
“This law will stop insurance companies from engaging in the discriminatory practices and pricing that have kept Californians from getting health coverage” said Hernandez, “With this law in place, we will make health care coverage more equitable, affordable, and accessible.”
Since the bill was introduced as part of a special session of the California Legislature, it will go into effect ninety days from the adjournment of session.

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