Employment Training Panel Approves Over $5M to Train Veterans and Workers in California’s Priority Industries
The State of California’s Employment Training Panel approved 16 contracts, worth over $5M in job training funds, at its regularly held public meeting today.
Training proposals brought before the Panel today represented key industries critical to the state’s economy, including job creation proposals for small business, aerospace and defense, healthcare, construction, manufacturing, information technology services, and green technology. Also represented were training proposals eligible under the Panel’s Apprenticeship Training Pilot Program and projects aimed at providing employment training to individuals with multiple barriers, including military veterans, a group that has become an increasing focus of administrative policies in recent years, due to the growing number of military veterans returning to civilian life.
With the anticipation of an additional 40,000 veterans returning to California over the next couple of years, providing support to military veterans is essential. ETP is committed to serving the veteran community, and for years has taken an active role in identifying and prioritizing the needs of California’s veterans, specifically funding training through ETP’s Veteran Training Program. In recent years, as a member of the Governor’s Interagency Council on Veterans, established through Executive Order B-9-11, ETP’s has strengthened its commitment to serving military veterans while working in coordination with the local, state, and federal government to improve services to military veterans.
Through employment training programs, such as ETP’s Veteran Training Program, many California employers are recognizing veterans as a valuable and talented segment of the workforce. At today’s Panel meeting, ETP approved funding in the amount of $231,899 to Managed Career Solutions, Inc. (MSC), a provider of workforce development services in Los Angeles County. MSC requested ETP funds to train and place unemployed veterans in occupations including Certified Nursing Assistant and Home Health Aides.
Founded in 1987, MCS provides job training and placement services for adults and dislocated workers, with priority service to veterans through MCS WorkSource Centers. According to MCS representatives, MCS has enrolled, trained, and placed over 600 veterans in healthcare, technology, and homeland security/emergency response occupations over the last six years. “I wish to thank ETP for this funding. Providing quality employment services to our veterans is our highest priority. It is an honor to serve our veterans as they readjust to civilian life,” said Philip Starr, MCS Executive Director. Consistent with ETP’s mission and goal to prioritize service to veterans, this project will assist veterans in entering the workforce, providing them with secure jobs, good wages, and opportunities for career advancement.
ETP is a business and labor supported state agency that assists employers in strengthening their competitive edge in the economy by providing funds to partially off-set the costs of necessary job skills training. California’s ETP is a performance-based program, providing funds for trainees who -2-
successfully complete training and are retained in good-paying jobs at a required minimum wage, for at least 90 days.
The program, funded by the Employment Training Tax paid by California employers, helps businesses threatened by out-of-state and international competition. The Panel also serves employers under its Special Employment Training Program, funding projects designed to improve skills and employment security of frontline workers in projects that do not meet standard employer/trainee eligibility requirements. Since its inception in 1983, the ETP program has provided approximately $1.25 billion to train over 800,000 workers for more than 78,000 California companies. Employers match training funds awarded by ETP, making these projects true public-private partnerships. For more information about the program, please visit www.etp.ca.gov, or call 916-327-5368.