Surf’s Up! July 9, Hodads-Beach Tunes
Become a part of the Arcadia tradition, gather your family and friends and enjoy the sights and sounds of this year’s concert series. I am sure you will have a great time.
As always, admission and parking are free. Concerts take place on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8 p.m. on the beautiful City Hall West Lawn, 240 W. Huntington Dr.
Join in for fun in the sun on the evening of the July 9, enjoying some beach tunes, and learn how to start off your summer right by being “water wise.” The Public Works Department will be on hand to share valuable information on ways you can save water this summer.
Kick off your shoes and get ready to limbo as the Hodads harmoniously bring back the class beach part sounds of the Beach Boys, Jan & Dean, and the “Bossest.”