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How Monrovia Unified Continues to Serve Students During Pandemic

Monrovia Unified School District (MUSD) continues to distribute free breakfasts and lunches to students in the community from 9-11 a.m. at all MUSD schools. According to a statement from the district issued Wednesday, MUSD has “consolidated pickup for both meals to simplify delivery” based on a recommendation from the California Department of Education.

To continue to ensure students continue learning, MUSD has added a Distance Learning Platform on its website, giving students, parents, and teachers guidance on how to navigate distance learning. Teachers and staff continue working to help families navigate this new reality. The Distance Learning Platform can also be viewed in Spanish.

In the message emailed to parents, MUSD reminded families of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidelines for managing stress as trying to juggle work, whether from home or outside the home, and homeschooling can be stressful for both parents and children. Basic practices include:

  • Socialdistancing, not social isolation: Connect with loved ones and offer support and, whenpossible, assistance. Video chats, texting and audio calls can help keep personalrelationships strong and help in maintaining perspective and feeling better.
  • Guidechildren: Childrentake their cues for reacting to the world from adults. Already, their routineshave been disrupted. Watch for their distress, reassure them, and set a calmenvironment by limiting news intake and creating consistent schedules.
  • Exerciseand eat well: Continueto be active and go outside while maintaining social distance. Eat nutritiousmeals, sleep 7 hours a night, and maintain a consistent schedule.
  • Limitnews intake: It canbe tempting to constantly track new information. Instead, take breaks frommedia coverage. Use authoritative sources. Be wary of misinformation on socialmedia.
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