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Monrovia Mayor Regrets His Comments at Black Lives Matter Event

There has been considerable tension the past few weeks in ourcountry in the wake of George Floyd’s murder at the knee of a white policeofficer. Combine this with COVID-19, and its disproportionate effects onminority groups, and we have what many are calling the perfect storm.

That horrific video set off a series of events, worldwide, thatsome see as a truly defining moment in American history and people demandingchange in the way police and local government deal with such issues.

On June 3, during one of the many peaceful Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests in Monrovia, Mayor Tom Adams made some comments that offended many in the community who said he (Adams) was out of touch with the efforts of Black Lives Matter locally.

During public comment at the virtual City Council meeting Tuesday,scores of citizens voiced passionate concerns about the recent events and themultiple Black Lives Matter protests as well as that speech at Library Park byMayor Adams. Read aloud by City Clerk Alice Atkins, here are a few of thosecomments.

“It is my sincere hope that Monrovia will loudly and proudlyannounce that we are a community that will stand strongly against racism,” saidKristen-Norton Zellem.

Another resident, Janet Wall, said “It seems to me that now is thetime to not just listen, but to take action to fix these issues (concerningrace relations) that are real whether or not we want to admit it.”

Calling Adams’ June 3 remarks “seriously tone deaf anddismissive,” Nikki Montoya stressed the thoughts of many who implied Adamsbasically said “I have a black friend,” in responses. Montoya told Adams “youclearly have a lot to learn.”

Several other residents voiced the collective concern that local governmentdoesn’t listen. “Do better and listen to all of your community,” Joshua Salinassaid.

One letter from Ali Lauder who said she is “A very angry citizenof Monrovia” addressed Adams directly regarding a comment he made on KGEMduring an interview with Ralph Walker. Walker asked Adams if he could say thewords “Black Lives Matter?” Lauder said Adams deflected and ignored the questionand accused the mayor of being racist.

In his opening remarks, the mayor apologized if people took hiscomments the wrong way and emphatically stated “Black lives matter.”

Adams went on to read a new city proclamation (including all the usual“whereas” etc.) in support of change and justice in Monrovia. “This is the timeto change, if we don’t get it now, we never will.” Now is a “moment ofreckoning!” Adams’s proclamation also read that people will get justice if theyreceived “inferior treatment” without stating specifics.

After reading the lengthy proclamation, Adams requested that the citymanager distribute the document to all Black churches in the city. To whichsomeone later pointed out to the mayor that he should deliver the document toALL places of worship in the city, not just Black churches. Adams apologizedfor the omission.

Councilman Larry Spicer asked that councilmembers each select adelegate for an AdHoc committee of citizens for essentially oversight of thecity’s ambitions. City Attorney Craig Steele advised council that it shouldplace this as an agenda item for the next scheduled meeting.

Other councilmembers including Becky Shevlin and GloriaCrudgington expressed their desire for the city to recognize Juneteenth. “Ithink this is more important than Columbus Day,” Crudginton stated. They alsonoted that there is a Junteeth celebration this Friday at Station Square andwere equally supportive of this event.

Mayor ProTempore, Alex Blackburn had no comment.

Friday’s inaugural Juneteeth celebration in Monrovia will takeplace at 5 p.m. at Station Square Park. There will be voter registrationbooths, speakers and more. For information, email blmmonrovia@gmail.com.

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