The wellness gift guide for your stressed-out group chat
We’ll remember 2020 for many things, including as the year when many stopped making fun of “self-care” as a made-for-IG branding ploy and embraced it wholeheartedly as the thing we need right now for our mental health and wellbeing. We curated this list for friends and loved ones who could use a little comfort right now. Consider buying yourself something too. You deserve it.
Balance CBD drops by Brown Girl Jane
Balance CBD drops are good for the person with just too much on their plate, said Brown Girl Jane co-founder and inhouse wellness expert Tai Beauchamp: “Our goal is to help badass women live life fully and holistically.” This tincture is their most popular offering: A daily dropperful — under the tongue — is recommended for those trying to reduce stress and anxiety. “Balance has saved my entire spirit,” reports one user.
Millennial Lotería from Poketo
Lotería is a beloved Mexican card game that encourages lots of laughter with friends and family — all memory-making magic right there. Play is pretty simple: There’s a dealer who calls out cards, and the first to fill out a row wins. Well now, the game has gotten a Millennial update: “I […]