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Home / Larry Spicer

Mayor Pro Tem Represents Monrovia as ‘White Suiter’ at Rose Parade

BySusan Motander

Everyone celebrates the New Year in their ownway. Some of us watch the ball drop in Time Square at 9 p.m. and go tosleep. Others gather with fellow Monrovians on Myrtle Avenue and LibraryPark to see the year end and another begin. And then there are those whohit the sack early so they can get up before dawn and be along the Rose Paraderoute in their assigned positions — all to ensure that the annual Tournament ofRoses Parade is as close to perfect as possible.

One such hearty volunteer is Monrovia’s ownmayor pro tem, Larry Spicer. For the last four years he has been a memberof the Tournament of Roses, a “white suiter” as they are affectionately known. Morethan 900 volunteers work hours to put on the grandest parade of them all — andin our back yard.

Spicer explained that for his first few years hewas assigned to welcome and assist dignitaries around Tournament House(formerly the Wrigley Mansion) on Orange Grove Avenue and help with theformation of the parade. This year he had a new responsibility as part ofthe showcase of floats for post parade viewing. He had more than a dozenfloats in his area and the position required not just one day of work butthree.

Asked what he liked best about volunteering withthe Tournament, Spicer was quick to explain that people are the best part,meeting them talking to them. “People always ask me what I do and I amproud to say I am the Mayor Pro Tem of Monrovia. If they are local theyalways talk about Old Town and the Friday Night Festival. I let them knowI represent Monrovia.”

– Courtesy photo

Over the last few years there are certainmoments that stand out for the Monrovian. A few years ago he met an AirForce General who had himself once piloted the B2 bomber, the flyover of whichis a much beloved beginning to the parade. When Spicer explained his sonwas at the Air Force Academy, the general gave him a B2 commemorative pin — nowa valued item for the younger Spicer.

As Spicer explained, it is the people whomatter, not just with whom he volunteers but also those he meets along theway. This year was especially good because he was able to use more of hisskills as his position in the showcase required that he multi-task; he had tocoordinate all the volunteers with whom he worked including college interns andhigh school students.

“I made certain I arrived early each day so thatI could walk my area to be sure everything is ready. That is where mymilitary experience comes in handy… that and the necessary sleep deprivation,”he explained.

This year he also had one of those specialmoments that make volunteering so rewarding. A man from New Orleansapproached him in the float viewing area after the parade and explained that heand his wife had flown to California to get married on New Year’s Eve and watchthe parade the next day. He asked Spicer if it was possible to get one ofthe roses from a float so his wife could have a keepsake from the experience.

Spicer asked one of the volunteers from Hondafor a rose for the man. The Honda guy gave not one but three roses to pass onto the newlyweds. Apparently they really are helpful.

Asked for the best thing about being a Tournamentmember, Spicer’s response was immediate. “It’s about the people, the onesI meet and those I work with.”

Asked what the worst thing was, he said therewasn’t one. Even getting up at o-dark-thirty was not a negative in hismind.

Asked how the whole experience was he saidsimply, “It makes you feel on top of the world.”

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