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California Transportation Commission approves $67.8 million for construction of Montebello blvd. grade separation project

The California Transportation Commission voted to approve the allocation of $67.8 million in state funds to the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments for construction of the Montebello Boulevard Grade Separation Project. The funding which includes a $49 million grant through the SB 1 Trade Corridor Enhancement Program and $18.8 million in state bond funds from the Proposition 1B Trade Corridor Improvement Fund, will permit the SGVCOG to prepare to release the project for bids from contractors.

“The Montebello Boulevard Project and the at-grade crossing improvements will enhance safety and eliminate the second most-hazardous Union Pacific Railroad crossing in Los Angeles County,” said SGVCOG Executive Director Marisa Creter. “We are truly grateful to the California Transportation Commission for their strong support and vote of confidence in the SGVCOG’s ability to deliver these critical transportation improvements.”

In addition, the CTC awarded a $5.906 million grant through its competitive 2023 Active Transportation Program for bicycle and pedestrian improvements at two at-grade rail crossings on Greenwood Avenue and Vail Avenue in the City of Montebello. The project improvements include pedestrian medians and gates, ADA compliant ramps, expanded sidewalks, bike boxes, new traffic signals and upgraded railroad crossing signals and signage. 

The Montebello Railroad Safety Crossings Improvements Project received high scores during the evaluation and was selected among 434 applications requesting Active Transportation Program  funding this year. In total, the CTC approved $1.02 billion for 93 critical active transportation projects from across the state.

The $190.8 million Montebello Boulevard Grade Separation Project calls for constructing a roadway underpass on Montebello Boulevard with a new railroad bridge and vehicle bridge for Olympic Boulevard to eliminate collisions and reduce congestion. The project will also include at-grade crossing safety improvements at the Greenwood Avenue, Vail Avenue and Maple Avenue crossings. The Montebello Boulevard crossing is used by 21,700 vehicles per day, blocked by a daily average of 43 trains, including 12 Metrolink regional commuter rail trains. 

The Federal Railroad Administration has recorded three collisions at the crossing within the most recent 10 years, resulting in one fatality and one injury. The Montebello Boulevard project was ranked no. 17 on the California Grade Separation Fund Priority List for FY 2020-2021, as compiled by the California Public Utilities Commission based on vehicular traffic, train counts and crossing collisions. The project is part of the comprehensive $1.9 billion Alameda Corridor-East program of 19 grade separations and at-grade crossing safety improvements being implemented by the SGVCOG. Completion of the project could also result in a “Quiet Zone” restriction on locomotive horn-blowing in Montebello.

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