Arcadia Educational Foundation to Announce Mini-Grant Winners
The 2018-19 Arcadia Educational Foundation (AEF) mini-grant winners will be announced by Jan. 15. During December’s year-end drive, AEF received nearly $9,000 in donations. All contributions collected will now go to preserving educational programs, enhance students’ learning experiences, and bridge the funding gap created by low state funding of public schools (California state funding for public schools is 44th in the nation).
In addition to the $9,000 collected during the year-end drive, AEF also received $12,500 in donations during their Giving Tuesday drive.
AEF will be sponsoring its 25th year of summer school programs for students who will be entering first through 12th grades in the fall. Academic and enrichment courses are uniquely designed by credentialed teachers to complement and support the rigorous curriculum offered by the Arcadia Unified School District during the regular school year. AEF’s summer school program is open to all students residing in Arcadia and welcomes students from the surrounding communities or those visiting Arcadia for the summer months. AEF summer school for high school students will run from June 11 to July 19 and for elementary and middle school students from June 17 to July 18. Information regarding registration procedures and available courses will be made available by AEF in February.
For more information on AEF and how you can support their endeavors, or enroll in summer school, visit