“Providing a legal driver’s license to one who has broken federal law so one can drive “legally” — is an oxymoron,” said Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich on the proposal to provide driver licenses to illegal immigrants.
“What’s disappointing is that three law enforcement officials, L.A. City Police Chief Charlie Beck, Sheriff Lee Baca and L.A. City Attorney Carmen Trutanich, have turned a blind eye to enforcing the law,” he added.
“Our nation is strengthened by legal immigration — but creating another incentive to those who break federal immigration laws encourages illegal immigration and places further economic burdens on taxpayers.”
In Los Angeles County, children of illegal immigrants born here are receiving over $642 million a year for welfare and food stamps. In an ICE survey of Los Angeles County jails, illegal immigrants annually cost taxpayers over $550 million. Our costs for medical services exceed $500 million. This is $1.7 billion — not including the cost of education.
“Our county and state taxpayers can no longer afford to be the HMO for the world or to provide financial rewards for those who break the law,” he added.
Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Arcadia Weekly Support For Driver’s Licenses for ‘Illegals’ Sends Wrong Message According to Antonovich
Support For Driver’s Licenses for ‘Illegals’ Sends Wrong Message According to Antonovich
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