The approval will be considered at a November meeting
Monrovia is recommended for further approval to receive a $4 million transportation improvement grant from Measure M sub-regional funds through the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG) and the funding would be used to make traffic and mobility improvements at the I-210 freeway underpasses and at Station Square.
In November 2016, LA County voters approved Measure M, which is a half-cent sales tax increase, which is expected to generate around $120 billion over the next 40 years for transportation enhancements across the region. As part of the authorized funding formula, a certain portion of Measure M funds have been set aside for different regions within LA County, and in mid-2017, Metro approved a process through which those funds would be distributed to sub-regional areas.
For the San Gabriel Valley, SGVCOG was the entity selected to distribute the Measure M Sub-regional Funds, and during the current 5-year funding cycle, there is an estimated $31.7 million in available funding for local transportation projects. As the SGVCOG has worked to distribute those funds, Monrovia submitted a grant request asking for $4 million to make various active transportation enhancements at our I-210 Freeway underpasses and in the area around Station Square.
Based on the current review process engaged by the SGVCOG and after review by four different SGVCOG committees, Monrovia’s $4 million grant request has been recommended for formal approval. The full SGVCOG Board is scheduled to consider the approval at their meeting in November 2018.
The city is hopeful that these funds will be awarded in the near future, as staff has engaged project delivery efforts to ensure that the city will be able to make the underpass and Station Square traffic improvements identified in the grant request.