Mayflower Avenue/Huntington Drive turning lane configurations being coordinated for installation
During the past several months, Monrovia city staff has been working to develop an upgraded driving /turn lane configuration plan for the Mayflower Avenue/Huntington Drive intersection. Given the existing infrastructure at the location, the current layout of the intersection does cause some confusion that could be mitigated with better design.
As the aerial photo illustrates, the existing traffic lane configuration includes a “trap lane” for the northbound traffic on Mayflower Avenue. A trap lane is a through lane that turns into a required turn lane at the intersection, and the particular alignment of the drive lanes at the Mayflower Avenue/Huntington Drive intersection can certainly be improved from what is there today.
Based on the assessment conducted by the city’s team, they have developed an updated conceptual design for improving the intersection configuration. The improvements the city identified include:
- Restriping the southbound approach to align with the left-turn lane directly across from the eastern northbound left-turn lane.
- Closing the median opening on Mayflower Avenue across from the McDonald’s, and restricting the turn movement at that particular location to be a right-in/right-out movement only.
- Adding new signage at the intersection to make drivers more aware of the trap lane that exists for northbound traffic
- Restoring the eastbound U-turn movement at the intersection.