
City of Pasadena Sued Over Political and Religious Discrimination

The Western Justice Center. - Courtesy photo / Facebook, @westernjusticecenter

Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence files lawsuit against Western Justice Center as well

The Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence filed a complaint in federal district court on Nov. 28 on behalf of the Pasadena Republican Club challenging political and religious discrimination by the Western Justice Center and the City of Pasadena. See the complaint here.

In 2017, the Pasadena Republican Club contracted with the Western Justice Center for the rental of the Maxwell House in Pasadena to hold an event at which Dr. John Eastman was to be the speaker. Less than two hours before the event was scheduled to start, however, the executive director of the Western Justice Center (retired LA Superior Court Judge Judith Chirlin) sent an email to the president of the Pasadena Republican Club cancelling the event.

Although the Pasadena Republican Club had been allowed to rent the property for speaker events in the past, retired Judge Chirlin explained that Dr. Eastman was unacceptable as a speaker because of his leadership position in a faith-based organization that promoted traditional marriage (National Organization for Marriage). Solely because retired Judge Chirlin disagreed with Dr. Eastman’s political and religious views, the Western Justice Center banned the Pasadena Republican Club from holding its event, alleges the Claremont Institute. Other political groups continue to meet at the property managed by the Western Justice Center.

The Maxwell House and neighboring historic properties are owned by the City of Pasadena and leased to the Western Justice Center “for public purposes” of the city. The city borrowed money that it granted to Western Justice Center for purposes of repairing and refurbishing these historic properties. In return, the Center paid rent to the city that repaid those loans. Now that the loans have been repaid, the Center pays only one dollar a month to occupy and manage this city-owned historic property.

“You would think the Western Justice Center would have been more prudent than to cancel a speech by one of the nation’s leading constitutional law experts who frequently litigates such issues before the Supreme Court,” said Ryan Williams, president of the Claremont Institute.

The Western Justice Center is a nonprofit corporation that creates programs for peaceful conflict resolution. The Board of the Center includes leading attorneys and current and former state and federal judges. Because the lease to the Western Justice Center is for public purposes, the Center is held to the same standard under the Constitution to which the city itself is held, argues Claremont Institute.

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