PTU wants City Hall to intervene with “just-cause eviction policy”
By Staff
According to Pasadena Tenants Union (PTU), 54 longtime residents at 120 S. Roosevelt have been given a 60-day notice to vacate. PTU is asking why Pasadena does not have a just-cause eviction policy to protect these Pasadena residents.
In open commentary at City Hall on Monday, several speakers began by addressing the problem at 120 S. Roosevelt, where residents have been issued these eviction notices. Several speakers decried the abrupt notices issued: “Mr. Wong confirmed my worst nightmare. We are not protected by Pasadena Tenants Protection (Title 9). The response is we have no legal protections for notice to vacate and no moving cost to assist tenants displaced by no-fault eviction,” said tenant Vera Krekour.
All tenants received a 60-day notice to vacate their 18-unit building with no prior notice, including two Section 8 households which by state law require a 90-day notice.
The fear of eviction has caused five families with small children to move resulting in the Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) losing enrollment and funding. According to PTU, tenants will be displaced unless City Hall intervenes with a just-cause eviction policy.
The building at 120 S. Roosevelt is predominately housed by Armenians who are being displaced by the previous owner’s daughter, claims PTU. Many of the tenants have lived in the building for more than 10 – 30 years. PTU says “It is time for the City of Pasadena to say no more. We need to protect our community from continued displacement.”
Krekour recounts how tenants learned they were being evicted:
“I love my home and have been very happy living here in Pasadena for the past three years. On June 3rd, 2018, an unknown fellow handed me a piece of paper. The letter terminated my occupancy in 60 days, July 31st was the date given to vacate. I was in shock as I stared at the paper. I couldn’t believe the information I was reading was true. I called the building manager, who has managed the complex for thirty years and, she reported, ‘I had no idea this was going to happen, in fact, I received a vacancy notice as well.’ I inquired with other folks in the building. All of us had received 60-day notice to vacate. The tenants are in shock and upset. They do not want to move out.
“Any attempts to discuss our displacement with the landlord’s daughter have been unsuccessful. I even asked her in person when she was visiting the building and she refused to answer my questions.”
Pasadena does not have a just-cause for eviction policy. Recent efforts by PTU for a local “Rent Control and Just Cause Ordinance” lacked 2,000 signatures for the ballot measure to be on the Nov. 6 ballot. PTU and the Pasadena Fair & Equitable Housing Coalition continue to advocate for local rent control and just-cause policy for the City of Pasadena.
PTU is a grassroots movement founded in November 2016 by tenants and homeowners. PTU is a membership body of volunteers and has no paid staff. PTU was born due to the growing pressure on tenants in the city.