Washington STEAM Multilingual Magnet in Pasadena is the first school in California to earn the National Certificate for STEM Excellence from the National Institute for STEM Education (NISE). The National Certificate for STEM Excellence recognizes individual school campuses for their commitment to and growth in teacher’s implementation of 21st century and STEM strategies. The middle school magnet, which will offer Spanish dual language immersion and an early college focus in 2018-2019, scheduled a celebration for May 21.
“Earning this national certification solidifies Washington’s status as a STEAM school that delivers high quality and engaging curriculum, and inspires students to become problem-solvers, innovators, and leaders,” said Superintendent Brian McDonald. “On behalf of Pasadena Unified, I would like to congratulate the teachers, students, staff, families, and partners of Washington STEAM.”
As part of the rigorous year-long campus certification process, 10 Washington STEAM teachers earned national STEM certification. Participants were guided through the development of a portfolio that demonstrated proficiency through self-evaluation of 15 teacher actions that are essential to STEM teaching. The Washington STEAM team worked closely with a coach provided by the National Institute for STEM Education, presented evidence of data analysis, and created an action plan to sustain the school’s forward momentum.
Evolving from STEM professional development created at Rice University, NISE STEM certificates integrate the most recent research and best practices in STEM, 21st century learning, and professional development.