AUSD named as district with the Best Teachers in LA
By Staff
Arcadia Unified ranks as the best place to teach in the Los Angeles area for the second year in a row according to Niche.com. In the recent release of its 2019 school district rankings, Niche also noted Arcadia Unified as having the best teachers in Los Angeles.
“Being named both the best place to teach and the district with the best teachers in Los Angeles helps us know we are achieving our purpose,” shared Arcadia Unified Assistant Superintendent, Human Resource Services Dr. Kevin Hryciw. “We are committed to making our teachers feel supported, valued, and to maintaining a strong relationship with the Arcadia Teachers Association. Our goal with all of these efforts is to allow our teachers’ focus to be on what they entered our district to do – inspire students to have a positive and profound impact on their world.”
This school year, Arcadia Unified welcomes 27 new educators, including school counselors, helping carry out Arcadia Unified’s Board of Education goal to have at least one full-time school counselor at each school site in the district. These new educators get to boast about numerous Niche honors for their new district at both the local and state levels.
Arcadia Unified Niche Recognitions for the Los Angeles Area:
- #1 Best Place to Teach in the Los Angeles Area.
- #1 School District with the Best Teachers in the Los Angeles Area.
- #1 Safest School District in the Los Angeles Area.
- #2 Best School District in the Los Angeles Area.
In addition to being at the top of the class at the regional level, of the over 1,000 school districts across California, Arcadia Unified takes several top ten honors for Niche’s state rankings.
Arcadia Unified Niche Recognitions for California:
- #3 Best Place to Teach in California.
- #3 Safest School District in California.
- #7 Best School District in California.
- #8 School District with the Best Teachers in California.
In addition to its Niche recognition, Arcadia Unified was named to the prestigious 2018 AP District Honor Roll, marking the second consecutive year that the district has received this honor. Arcadia Unified’s Holly Avenue and Longley Way elementary schools were named as California Distinguished Schools for 2018, and Arcadia High School’s Class of 2018 achieved a 100 percent graduation rate. For more information about the Arcadia Unified School District which currently has 13 job openings, please visit ausd.net, and for more details about Niche’s 2019 rankings, visit niche.com.