Donald C. Sevesind is a 43 year old Pasadena Police Officer with 19 years of experience, and an experienced marathoner. On March 18, 2018 at the 2018 Los Angeles Marathon he ran his 100th Marathon, running the 26.2 miles in full “Class A” police uniform.
“I am attempting this challenge to raise money for two non-profit organizations dear to my heart, the Pasadena Police Activites League (P.A.L.) program and the California Peace Officer’s Memorial Foundation. Pasadena PAL is a local organization formed in 1998 to build bonds between Cops and kids.
The after-school and full time summer mentoring program offers a positive atmosphere for students 8-17 years of age with tutoring, arts and culinary, various sporting activities, and numerous field trips, http://pasadenapal.com/. The California Peace Officer’s Memorial Foundation recognizes and honors California’s peace officers who gave their lives In the Line of Duty serving the citizens of this great state, and provide support to the family members left behind, https://camemorial.org/.