Universities are adding go-bags to packing lists this year, ostensibly for use in quarantine. “Go-bags” are a set of supplies, like pajamas, a water bottle and a phone charger that are ready to grab at a moment’s notice in the case of emergency.
But given the myriad of disasters playing out across the country, kids need to be ready for anything. I have no more an idea of what to put in a go-bag than I have an ability to protect my kid from the mayhem in the world.
My daughter is no stranger to disasters; like the millions of Americans who have bared the brunt of massive wildfires in the West, hurricanes barreling through the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts and historic flooding , she’s lived through some of these storms.
Responding to these climate change-influenced natural disasters is common for many in her generation, but we need a better plan than just packing a go-bag to be ready for what’s yet to come.
The Trump administration has spent the last three years unravelling plans put in place to address climate change in the U.S. This administration has weakened the National Environmental Policy Act, reversed the Clean Power Plan, […]