Firefighters rescued a 13-year-old blind dog that fell into a 15-foot hole at a construction site in Pasadena, authorities said Wednesday.
Rescuers were sent to the 700 block of North Lake Avenue, the former site of a Carl’s Jr. restaurant, at 6:50 p.m. Tuesday, said Lisa Derderian of the city of Pasadena.
“The blind canine fell into an approximate 15-foot hole dug near a trench,” Derderian said in a statement.

“The canine was rescued from the hole in roughly 13 minutes from the point of contact,” Derderian said “After the rescue, the canine was assessed, declared uninjured, and returned to the owner.”
Participating in the operation were personnel from the cities of Pasadena, Glendale, Arcadia, Monrovia and South Pasadena.