The City of San Gabriel will swear in Tony Ding as mayor and John R. Harrington as vice mayor during the city council meeting held at the Mission Playhouse on Tuesday, March 15.
The swearing-in ceremony will take place at the beginning of the meeting, approximately at 6:30 p.m., and the regular meeting of the San Gabriel City Council will follow the ceremony and celebration.
“I’m honored to be appointed the Mayor of San Gabriel by the city council,” said Mayor Ding. “During my tenure as a councilmember, I was instrumental in improving the city’s road conditions and creating the Small Business Assistance Grant Program to benefit struggling businesses impacted by COVID-19. Now as mayor, I look forward to introducing further infrastructure improvements and assistance to help our communities and businesses transition through difficulties brought on by the pandemic.”
Community members are welcome to attend the council meeting in person or watch it live on the city’s YouTube channel at and through broadcast on Spectrum channel 3 within the City of San Gabriel. Community members may also view the posted city council meeting agenda at For members of the public wishing to provide public comment on agenda items, details are available on the meeting agenda.
Tony Ding was first elected to the San Gabriel City Council in March 2020. As a longtime resident of San Gabriel and an established businessman for over 25 years, Ding’s priorities include attracting new and high-quality businesses for San Gabriel, improving street and road infrastructures by resurfacing residential streets, fixing sidewalks, alleviating traffic concerns and increasing accountability and transparency by managing the budget efficiently and communicating more effectively with residents.
John R. Harrington was elected to the San Gabriel City Council in March 2011. He holds a Juris Doctorate degree from Loyola Law School. Harrington has over twenty years of legal experience specializing in complex financial transactions, municipal law and public works construction. In addition to being admitted to the California State Bar, he holds a real estate broker’s license and a general contractor’s license.