The Burbank Boulevard Bridge has re-opened, allowing holiday shoppers to quickly travel across the city, city officials announced Wednesday.
For motorists traveling across the Golden State (5) Freeway, the new bridge features three through lanes and two left turn lanes in each direction to access the highway. The bridge also includes bicycle lanes and a 10-foot sidewalk for pedestrians on the south side.
“We are very excited about the reopening,” Burbank Mayor Bob Frutos said. “Just in time for the holiday shopping for Burbankers to easily travel through and around the city.”
The bridge was also moved 125 feet to the west of the old bridge to straighten the freeway alignment and improve drivers’ visibility along the freeway.
The enhancements are part of reconstruction of the Burbank Boulevard interchange into a “diamond interchange,” which makes access to and from the freeway more direct for drivers. It replaces older loop ramps with straightened ones that meet current safety and capacity standards.
The old northbound 5 Freeway on-ramp, which was previously separated from the interchange and connected to a residential street, was relocated into the interchange.
The bridge will remain open with some minor lane, ramp or overnight closures to finish the overall freeway construction.
The Burbank Boulevard Bridge reconstruction is the last part of the 5 Freeway corridor improvement project for the city of Burbank.