
Q&A: Get to Know Hood By Air Model, Elias Owens

Elias Owens is a burgeoning model born and raised in Los Angeles who’s modeled for brands such as Barely Broke LA and walked for Hood By Air. Get to know the fledgling 21-year-old model in one of his first interviews, below. 
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Hey Eli. How’d you get started in modeling?
Everyone always loved how I look and always dug my style. People would frequently ask me to model their clothes, but I never really wanted to. One day someone asked me to walk for their show at the Art Institute; I was shaky about it but I said screw it and I did it. Soon as the show was done, everyone was congratulating me. This brand that goes by the name Babylon Cartel asked me to be in there next editorial. Again, I agreed and that’s when I met Anouk Morgan – a very talented photographer! After I worked with her, Ford Models contacted her and asked to bring me in. . .and the rest is history.
Your look is highly unique. Can you tell me about your familial/cultural background? Where’s you blood stem from? What’s your family like?
My family was born in Durango, Mexico. My family is literally the typical tight-knit Mexican family– amazing growing up in our home because we didn’t need any fancy treatment, we just needed each other.
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Your look is also distinguished by your tattoos. Can you tell me about the work on your body and any pieces you’d like to speak on?
My most important one I would have to say is my butterfly elephant. It represents freedom, wisdom, and strength! Also, the time when I got it was probably the best I felt at heart. It is a matching tattoo that I got with a special person.
Who are a few brands you find yourself sporting as of late?
I wear designer brands here and there, but my favorite is vintage clothing. Only the very rare. No one is bound to have it, so it keeps you separated from what everyone else is wearing.
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I’m curious; where are your favorite places you’ve traveled thus far? What do you do while there?
My favorite places I’ve traveled to so far are New York then Miami. I went to New York last year for Men’s Fashion Week and it literally changes your life. I felt amazing out there and I got tons of love. I was in Miami for Art Basel and it was also a beautiful experience.
As a 21-year-old guy maneuvering through life, what is one life lesson you see yourself learning/presented with right now? 
I would have to say is probably staying focused on the right things. My head is on straight with what I want, but sometimes I run into things; but that’s life.
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What do you do aside from modeling that gives you creative relief?
Music is very important in everyone’s lives and I recently got into making it myself. All my friends kept encouraging me to make music, so I’m taking the proper steps in doing so. Working on my craft so we’ll see how that goes.
What are you looking forward to this year in terms of work plans and obligations?
I plan on being apart of Paris Fashion Week, finalizing bigger deals and doing more overseas work. I want to link up with other creatives and create more amazing work– such as image consulting among other things. Getting into acting more, so I’ll be working on that as well.
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Completely aside from work and career obligations, what are you looking forward to personally in the coming months?
I wanna work on music and see what I’m good at in that field, plus painting. Painting is a great way to express your self and I’ve always been interested in doing that as well.


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