There is no such thing as having too much fun in the sun. As Angelenos, we’re the experts! Yet sometimes you want to venture out of your comfort zone. Hence our Vacation Issue. From shooting the cover with DJ Mustard at the newest W Hotel in West Beverly Hills to traveling south of the border to Mexico’s ridiculously good looking wine country, we wanted to showcase how perfect LA really is when it comes down to vacationing- whether you’re treating yourself to a staycation or are down for an impromptu road trip. We even went the extra mile (air miles, tbh) and hopped the pond to London, England for wild nights, then called up our homies in Phucket, Thailand for affordable retreats.

Traveling bits aside, we went further into the current happenings of LA. We picked the brains of Sean Carlson of FYF Fest, Joey Miller and David Fishbein of Platform Culver City, sat down with the brilliant minds behind Revolve’s members only store, and got a tasty sneak peak into Ricardo Zarate’s Rosaline, Manuela and Jessica Koslow’s new cookbook. We got artsy with not one but two Lukes, Aussie Luke Chiswell (who’s showing at Tappan Collective) and Luke McGarry, who you probably already know via his art but haven’t seen his pretty face.

But enough about us. Check it out for yourself here, and don’t forget to circle back for hints on where to pick up a free copy.