I would like to remind you news-print folks that a lot of readers do not use computers or gadgets to communicate. Kudos for the investigation into the corruption infecting U.S. Cities in America. The Riverside City “virus” is common in all cities where the infected “carrier” is hired by an inept local manager/s (Pasadena) and the carrier brings in the unqualified to positions of power and they all proceed to collect high powers and salaries, while the Pasadena taxpayer gets robbed and the hacks in charge pretend it could not be avoided.
Pasadena City Manager Michael Beck should be terminated and a loyal veteran Pasadena Employee be hired. I cannot believe that someone in the chain of command in Pasadena cannot be promoted to City Manager! The practice of hiring outside the city chain of command is crazy. This goes from dog catcher to Chief of Police. Elected office excluded.
My uncle, Johnny Sotelo, Rest His Soul, was the first Hispanic ever elected to the Riverside City Council and he would always say, “The outsiders are hurting the City of Riverside!” I did not know exactly what he meant – but to see the Inland Empire (I.E.) gang operate in Pasadena is chilling.
All cities should hire from the local employee pool and promote only from within. All those “razzle-dazzle” resumes from outsiders … should be sent back to cyberspace, where they originated. $6.4 million taxpayer dollars, does anyone in “charge” give a damn about the taxpayer?
Jason Hunter outlined the tricks of the trade these I.E. gangsters created to fool the taxpayer and get more taxpayer money. Shameful, just shameful.
John Sanchez