
San Gabriel Valley’s Kevin and Kyle George of the George Group Extend Helping Hand to Include Veterans and Seniors in Need

Photo Courtesy of Savannah Lauren.


San Gabriel Valley’s Kevin and Kyle George of the George Group Extend Helping Hand to Include Veterans and Seniors in Need

With Veterans’ Day quickly approaching, it seems a fitting time to shed some light on a San Gabriel-based father and son, who work tirelessly behind-the-scenes, professionally and personally, to make a difference in other people’s lives, including the oft-forgotten.
On paper, Kevin and Kyle George manage “The George Group,” a division of First Trust and Real Estate and Mortgage, located in South Pasadena at 1499 Huntington Drive Suite #500, where they successfully provide their clients with first class services from “Four Generations of Real Estate and Mortgage Professionals.”
In reality, they do a whole lot more!
What began on a local level with “The George Group” speaking to student Veterans at local colleges to inform and educate them about their VA loan benefits and planning for their family’s future, has evolved into a life-changing association with the Vet Hunters and The Vet Hunters Project.
A nonprofit 501c-3 organization founded by Iraq combat veteran Joe Leal, The Vet Hunters Project’s mission is to find and help displaced veterans throughout the country and connect them to the resources and knowledge they need to reintegrate back into society. They do this by bringing it to where the homeless veterans are, whether it be on the streets, by railroad tracks, under bridges or in broken down cars.
Now an integral member of the Vet Hunters team and a Board Member, Kevin remains an informed and impassioned volunteer and advocate who also now serves on the Veterans Employment committee of the San Gabriel Valley as well as Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti’s “Project Vets” Committee to work on allowing Veterans to ride Metro transportation for free.
“The stories are painful and plentiful,” said Kevin, who recounts among one of the most notable, a visit to a cold weather shelter in Glendora last winter, where he and the Vet Hunters encountered a Veteran lying on the floor because his back, which was injured during Viet Nam war, made it unbearable to lay in a cot. The wounded veteran stated that he had tried to register with the VA numerous times soon after he was discharged but was told that his records were lost in the fire in St. Louis. Three decades, of doing without and sleeping on the streets, later, The Vet Hunters were able to confirm this man’s service to his country and take him to the Long Beach VA the next day. A week later, he had the back surgery he so desperately needed. Many months later, he finally received the service connected back pay so long over-due.
“This is what we do every day, every night and the hours in between,” said Kevin who, along with the Vet Hunters, recently befriended an 85 year old Korean War Veteran with one leg who was living in his car for the past five years. After some time and finally gaining his trust, he allowed the Vet Hunters to get him registered with the VA. Today, he has a new prosthetic leg and will have a roof over his head in one week as he qualified for housing assistance from the VA. “These are our “OPRAH MOMENTS” as we call them. These men and women aren’t getting a makeover or a vacation; they’re getting their lives back!”
With Kevin devoting much of his time to the Vet Hunters, Kyle is manning The George Group. In addition to working with Veterans, Kevin and Kyle are also passionate about working with seniors in the community.
“While we are full service mortgage professionals that are able to assist clients with purchase loans, refinance and VA loans, a lot of our business is also centered around informing and educating seniors about the reverse mortgage products out there on the market,” said Kyle, who has a knack for simplifying and explaining what is oftentimes thought of as confusing and complex. “This can allow seniors the ability to afford
in-home or facility based care for a themselves or a loved one while not having to worry about being uprooted from a home that they have lived in most of their lives.”
A proud member of the community for more than 45 years, Kevin married his high school sweetheart, Irene, from Temple City High 37 years ago, lives in Azusa and maintains a thriving business in South Pasadena.
Kyle, who both lives and works in Pasadena, is set marry his longtime sweetheart, Jenny, next May.
“Like Father, Like Son,” laughed Kevin.
And there is so much to like…about both of them and all that they give back to the community!
More Information on The George Group and the menu of services they provide can be found by visitingwww.kylegeorgegroup.com or by calling Kevin at (714) 981-4038 or Kyle at (626) 786-5512.
For further information on The Vet Hunters Project, visit www.vethunters.org or find them on Facebook at The Vet Hunters Project.

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