The film that traces the history of the school, from integration, through desegregation and finally to the segregated present
Can We All Get Along? The Segregation of John Muir High School, the 50 minute award-winning documentary promoting diverse public education, will premiere at 7:30 p.m. on April 26 at John Muir High School.
“It’s important for me that the film premieres at John Muir High School, because it’s completely supported by the community,” said producer and director Pablo Miralles.
More than six years in the making, filmmaker & Class of ’82 John Muir High Alumnus, Miralles (“Gringos at the Gate”) questions what has happened to his once diverse alma mater and whether or not to send his own son to the school today.
In the film, Miralles explores the complex history of Pasadena’s schools and the 1970 court order that created the first Federal desegregation plan outside of the south. Weaving stories from alumni, administrators, and civic leaders of John Muir High School’s multi-cultural community, Miralles illustrates the challenges and failures of California, and the United States, to promote well-funded and diverse public education.
The admission is free, but a ticket is required. To get a ticket, please click here.
The night is also doubling as a Fundraiser for the John Muir High School Alumni Museum Renovation. A suggested tax-deductible donation can be made here.
Arroyo Seco Films, a production company based in Los Angeles, CA, was established in 2008 by Pablo Miralles, a writer, director, and creator, in order to create film, television, and digital media productions that are challenging and entertaining. The first film under the Arroyo Seco Films banner was the award-winning feature documentary “Gringos at the Gate”. Its second documentary, “Can We All Get Along? The Segregation of John Muir High School,” has scheduled to release in 2019.