By Terry Miller
Former Pasadena Chief of Police, Phillip Sanchez, used to distribute a weekly email entitled ‘Touching Base’ to community members, staff and local media.
In the light of the new approach to community policing and transparency, under the careful eye of new Chief of Police, John Perez, the city has once again, put pen to paper and will inform the community of noteworthy incidents throughout the city.
In a press release issued by Lieutenant Jason Clawson the department intends to:
“Provide a greater awareness to the Pasadena community regarding the daily occurrences your officers are tasked with. The events detailed below are merely a snapshot of the thousand calls received to the Police Communications Center every day. As your police department moves forward under new leadership, the principles of the ‘Pasadena Way’ possess greater significance no matter what assignment, function, or mission an employee serves in the organization as we continue to police with compassion and best intentions”.