Romeo and Juliet have Parkinson’s disease. A woman recovering from an aneurysm recites poetry. A small crowd of folks with MS, TBI, stroke, PD and other neurological challenges presents an original piece of modern dance. This is the scene at the upcoming “Lineage Follies,” an event that focuses on entertainment created by persons with neurological challenges in Pasadena and the greater East Side, as well as education about neurology from the top minds in the field.
The event was created by Amy Carlson, herself a Parkinson’s patient and advocate, who sits on the Board of Directors of the Lineage Performing Arts Center, the nonprofit based in Pasadena that is putting on the “Follies.”
The event, happening one night only on Saturday, Jan. 12 will feature performances of theatre, song, and dance created in the free acting, voice and dance classes for persons with neurological challenges at Lineage, and will also feature speeches by world-class neurologists Dr. Michele Tagliati (Cedars Sinai), Dr. Giselle Petzinger (USC), and Dr. Michael Jacowec (USC).
“Lineage Follies” is a celebration of Lineage’s Dance for Joy program, a series of creative classes that have been described as “hope in motion.” The program makes opportunities for artistic expression accessible to all, regardless of age, ability, or background. Since its beginnings, it has expanded from solely dance into theatre, voice, and movement classes for persons with neurological challenges. The “Follies” event is a showcase of its growth and a celebration of the successes of the Dance for Joy participants.
“You really can’t watch these performers without being inspired,” says Lineage Executive Director Brian Elerding. “The work in the Dance for Joy classes has great depth, and the utter joy that they bring to their art is infectious. We can’t wait to share that with the ‘Follies’’ audience.”
The Dance for Joy program is funded in part by: The Parkinson’s Foundation, The Tournament of Roses Foundation, The Pasadena Arts League, The Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts, and individual donors.
The event will take place on Saturday, Jan. 12 at 7 p.m. at The Lineage Performing Arts Center, 500 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena CA 91101. Tickets and more info can be found at LineagePAC.org.