
City of Pasadena Issues Red Flag Alert and Parking Restrictions

Red Flag Parking Restrictions within the City of Pasadena in response to National Weather Service predictions of strong Santa Ana winds. Officials are trying to be proactive and prevent any wildfires this season. - File photo by Terry Miller
Red Flag Parking Restrictions within the City of Pasadena in response to National Weather Service predictions of strong Santa Ana winds. Officials are trying to be proactive and prevent any wildfires this season. – File photo by Terry Miller

Pasadena Fire Chief Bertral Washington has directed the activation of Red Flag Parking Restrictions within the City of Pasadena in response to National Weather Service predictions.  Additionally, as a precaution the Fire Department will staff extra personnel.

Red Flag & Parking Restrictions begin at 6 p.m., Monday, Dec. 4, 2017 until further notice.  The situation can change and a cancellation notice will be sent when Red Flag conditions are over.

A Red Flag warning means that critical fire weather conditions are expected.  The weather pattern, in combination with dry fuels, could create extreme fire danger and/or fire behavior.  In order to allow for improved Fire Department access and resident evacuation, parking is restricted on posted narrow and/or winding roads within Pasadena’s urban-wildland interface areas. Please bring in trash cans from the street as soon as possible if red flag restrictions fall on trash pick-up day.

Additional background information may be found at:  http://cityofpasadena.net/Fire/Red_Flag/ including where the gateway signs are posted.

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