
“Say No To Styrofoam™” Update For Pasadena

– Photo courtesy David Gilford on Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)
– Photo courtesy David Gilford on Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)

The next phase of the City’s ban against the use of “Styrofoam™” or polystyrene materials such as cups, plates, bowls, meal-serving trays and take-out containers takes effect on Aug. 22, 2017.  Restaurants and retailers doing business in Pasadena will no longer be able to sell or distribute food that uses such materials.  This is the second phase of the City’s polystyrene food packaging ban.  The first year’s ban applied only to City facilities, operations and permitted events.

The purpose of the polystyrene food packaging ban is to eliminate polystyrene and Styrofoam™ litter and to encourage the use of environmentally friendly or reusable products that can be readily recycled or composted or decompose when buried at a landfill.

Polystyrene or Styrofoam™ materials are lightweight and can easily become litter, blown by wind or carried through storm drains into wetlands, creeks and waterways.  These materials do not decompose, but can easily break into small pieces that are mistaken for food by birds, fish and other animals, and, when consumed, can cause illness or death.

Starting next week, all Pasadena restaurants and food retailers are required to use alternative materials and resources, which may include:

– Reusable service ware that can be cleaned and used multiple times

– Paper plates, bowls and cups

– Corn starch-based and other decomposable products

Violations should be reported to the Pasadena Citizen Service Center by calling (626) 744-7311 or online at the website address noted below in this announcement.  A free smart phone app is also available to use on cell phones or tablets.

For more general information about waste management programs and recycling in Pasadena go to http://ww5.cityofpasadena.net/public-works/street-maintenance-waste-management/.  For specific information about the “Say No to Foam” effort, go to http://ww5.cityofpasadena.net/public-works/say-no-to-foam/.

The City thanks all for cooperating with the new regulations.  Your efforts will help us make Pasadena a green and sustainable community that is a model for the entire country.

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